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최진봉-이현종 각 1억원 소장 결론

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작성자 지만원 작성일18-11-13 22:36 조회3,146회 댓글0건
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    최진봉-이현종 각 1억원 소장 결론


피고1. 이현종(문화일보)

피고2. 죄친봉(성공회대)


       요약 및 결 론

1. 두 피고들은 부역자 역할을 수행했습니다. 자유한국당 김성태는 북한군 개입여부를 규명하라는 5.18진상규명특별법의 본질을 호도하고, 북한군의 침략사실을 감추어주려는 노골적인 의도를 표출하면서, 한국당 7인추천위원회의 결정을 무시하고, 돌출적 방해행위를 하고 있습니다. 이 정치공작에 두 피고들이 가세하여 지만원은 5.18에 북한군이 개입했다는 황당한 주장을 하는 사람이고, 거짓말을 밥먹 듯 하는 사람이고, 자기가 공상하면 그대로 믿는 정신병자이고, 인격을 모르는 소시오패스 과에 속하는 사람 정도로 모욕하면서 증오감을 분출하였습니다. 원고는 광주법원이 아무리 가르쳐주어도 믿지 않고 공상한 내용들을 사실로 믿고, 계속적으로 허위사실을 확산하는 정신병자이기 때문에 한국당이 수용해서도 안 되고 ‘5.18진상규명위에는 절대로 들어가서는 안 될 위험인물이라는 주장을 폈습니다. 이 두 피고는 패러다임 분류상 정치모리배라는 범위를 벗어나기 어려울 것입니다. 아래 사실들이 이를 증명할 것입니다.


2. 두 피고의 행위는 논리 밖의 폭력행위입니다. “‘5.18진상규명특별법36항은 ”5.18에 북한군이 개입했다는 지만원의 주장이 사실인지 조작인지에 대해 규명하라는 국회의 명령입니다. 국방부 실행계획에는 제3과가 평성되어 오로지 이 36항을 조사하도록 결정돼 있습니다. 3과는 원고가 가야 할 공간인 것입니다. 대한민국에서 5.18에 대해 18년 동안 연구한 사람은 오로지 원고 뿐이고, 5.18에 북한군이 개입했다는 연구결과를 낸 사람도 원고 한 사람뿐입니다. 특별법 제36항은 순전히 원고로 인해 설치된 조문입니다. 그런데 김성태와 피고들은 원고가 ‘5.18에 북한군이 개입했다는 황당한 주장을 한 사람이기 때문에 ‘5.18진상규명위원회에 위원으로 참여할 수 없다고 주장합니다. 원고의 연구결과는 400쪽 분량 9권에 수록돼 있습니다. 이처럼 북한군개입을 주장한 사람은 대한민국에 오로지 원고 한사람뿐이라는 사실을, ‘무시할 수 없는 다수의 국민이 알고 있습니다.


원고가 18년에 걸쳐 연구한 9권의 책들을 전문적으로 반박한 책이 있습니다. 책 제목은 ”5.18때 북한군이 광주에 왔다고?“입니다. 이 책을 쓴 사람은 광주의 안종철입니다. 그런데 그는 ‘5.18진상규명위원회위원장으로 선임되어 있습니다. ‘5.18진상규명법36, 북한군 개입여부를 조사하는 진상규명위원회에 안종철만 위원장으로 들어가고, 지만원은 절대로 들어 갈 수 없다는 주장은 폭력이지 논리가 아닙니다. 목장의 결투장을 마련해 주면서 한 사람에게는 총을 지급하고 다른 한 사람에게는 총을 차지 말라는 것이 김성태와 두 피고의 억지인 것입니다. 공산주의 체제가 아닌 한, 있을 수 없는 행패입니다 


3. 두 피고가 공동한 시너지효과의 파괴력을 살펴주시기 바랍니다. 피고들의 표현이 별개의 방송국에서 별개의 프로로 진행되었다면 그 파괴력이 지금보다 덜 했을 것입니다. 하지만 이 두 사람은 공동의 목표 즉 지만원이 5.18진상규명위에 들어가면 절대로 안 된다는 김성태의 정치적 목표를 공유하면서 같은 방송, 같은 프로에 동시 출연하여 같은 목적을 달성하기 위해 공모 공동함으로써 곱하기 효과라는 증폭된 시너지 효과를 냈습니다. 피고들이 성공한 것만큼 원고의 인격, 학력이 바닥수준으로 짓밟혔고, 원고가 오랜 세월에 걸쳐 쌓아올린 공든탑이 유린당했습니다. 이는 국가적으로도 대단한 손실입니다


4. 원고의 청구를 인용하여 주시기 바랍니다. 



Choi Jin-Bong, Lee Hyon-Jong, Been Sued for 100 Million Won Each, and The Conclusion of the Petition


Defendant 1. Lee Hyon-Jong (MunHwa Daily Newspaper)

Defendant 2. Choi Jin-Bong (SungKongHoe University)


Summary and Conclusion


1. The Two Defendant are political collaborator :

 These two defendants can not but be called 'a team of political maneuvering' appeared to collaborate to Kim Sung-Tae who jutted out suddenly to glow over the essence of the May 18th Fact-Finding Special Law to cover-up North Korean troops' criminal invasion in South Korea, having such a political purpose. What this two defendants persistently emphasized was that Jee Man-Won is unable to do logical thinking, is an absurd and non-sensical man, is a pseudologia fantastica patient who is insisting his imagination as true, and is a mental patient who doesn't have human personality but is only showing sociopathic syndrome. They went on to emphasize that because Jee Man-Won is a mental patient who doesn't believe Gwangju Court however hard it teaches him, but only believe what he imagined as true and keep spreading false facts, therefore, the Liberty Korea Party should not allow this dangerous man to come in nor the May 18th Fact-Finding Committee should allow him to take part in. These two defendants seem hard to get out of the category of 'political profiteering scoundrel' when classified by paradigm. Below facts will prove it.


2. The Core Theme of Public Good:

 'The May 18th Fact-Finding Special Law' Article 3 Clause 6 is the National Assembly's order to find out the truth on whether Jee Man-Won's contention of North Korea troops' intervention in the May 18th is true or fabrication. In the implementation plan of the Defense Minist, the 3rd department is organized to make investigation on the Article 3 Clause 6. The 3rd department is the arena where Jee Man-Won is to join. In South Korea, Jee Man-Won is the only man who made eighteen years of research on the May 18th, and Jee Man-Won is also the only man who made the research conclusion that North Korean troops intervened in the May 18th. Accordingly, the Article 3 Clause 6 of the Special Law is a provision established only because of Jee Man-Won. But Kim Sung-Tae insists that Jee Man-Won can not be allowed to participate in the May 18th Fact-Finding Committee as its member because Jee Man-Won made non-sensical contention that North Korean troops intervened in the May 18th. Jee Man-Won's research result is well contained in the nine books 400 pages each. Like this, not negligible amount of people know that Jee Man-Won is the only man in South Korea who made the contention of North Korean troops' intervention. Ahn Jong-Chul of Gwangju is assigned to chairman of the May 18th Fact-Finding Committee, who wrote a book "Were North Korean Troops In Gwangju Then In The May 18th?". For this however, is Jee Man Won, who issued research books which are specially refuted by Ahn Jong-Chul, supposed to be banned from taking part in as a fact-finding member? While they offer a place to fight a dual in a corral, they give a gun to one man but ask the other man not to bear a gun --- This is the ideological drive Kim Sung-Tae is going ahead with. But as long as Jee Man-Won is not adopted as a fact-finding member, the May 18th Fact-Finding Committee is impossible to be inaugurated in reality. Jee Man-Won is going to file an action along with provisional disposition pleading for withdrawal of their disposal. Even if it is dismissed by the Reds judges, majority of the nation will criticize the 'committee' as a bundle of 'comedy'. As long as we are not under communism system, this would be a typical example that will lose 'general acceptability' which is the basic principle of democracy.


3. Synergy of Destructive Power

If the two defendants expressed their opinion separately in different TV under different title, the destructive power would have been far less than now. But This two men appeared on same TV under same title under common object, that is, to share in common Kim Sung-Tae's political goal of "Jee Man-Won is never allowable to take part in the May 18th Fact-Finding Committee", thereby they agitated the nation to agree to "exclude Jee Man-Won from the May 18th Fact-Finding Committee" attaining 'amplified synergy effect' of 'multiplying effect' by conspiring in common. To the extent they were successful, Jee Man-Won's goals, such as public good, research for truth, the truth of history and safety of our country which Jee Man-Won was reaching forward, were destroyed. Jee Man-Won's philosophy, personality, and ability of research came to be buried under the mud.


4. Choi Jin-Bong, Lee Hyon-Jong Are Political Brokers

 These two men are political brokers. They are real cancer that should be isolated from any broadcast. Jee Man-Won took it into consideration that judiciary circles of Korea are extremely conservative to monetary punishment, and that they have no aggravated conception of punitive damage different than America. Despite the destructive power was enormous which was resulted from the defendants' rash and thoughtless acts as light as feather been put on the air, so I am claiming the smallest amount of compensation. Please make a decision to accept all of the least plea.




2018.11.13. 지만원



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