“영웅 전두환” 스티커를 뿌리자 > 최근글

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“영웅 전두환” 스티커를 뿌리자

페이지 정보

작성자 지만원 작성일18-12-06 12:04 조회4,326회 댓글0건
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        영웅 전두환스티커를 뿌리자


애국의 마음을 가진 모든 국민들, 지금 이 순간 스스로에 물어보기 바란다. 이 순간, 나라를 살릴 근본 대책이 무엇인가. “문재인을 때려잡고, 흡혈귀 보다 더 징그러운 주사파들을 때려잡는 것, 이 순간 우리의 소망이라고 생각들 할 것이다. 그런데 우리 각자의 관심은 어디에 주어져 있는가? 박근혜를 꺼내오자? 빨갱이 주사파 정권을 무너뜨리지 않고 무슨 수로 꺼내 오는가? “박근혜를 석방하라~~~?” 누구에게 명령하는 것인가? 박근혜를 꺼내 오려면 문재인정권을 붕괴시켜야 하지 않던가? 문재인을 무너트리려면 5.18을 사기극이라 널리 알려야 하지 않겠는가? 이 방법 말고 또 무슨 방법 있는가? 박정희가 또 나와야 한다고? 이런 한심한 사람들 때문에 힘이 빠진다.


빨갱이를 뿌리부터 거세하려면 빨갱이들이 제1의 주적으로 삼고 있는 전두환과 지만원을 살려야 한다. 전두환은 무자비한 학살자이고, 지만원은 뿔이 난 극우 또라이라는 말, 저들의 흑색선전 결과라는 사실을 이제부터라도 널리 알려야 한다. 전두환이 위대한 영웅이었다는 사실은 10.2612.12.에 매우 잘 나타나 있다. 빨갱이들은 10.26을 민주주의의 승리라고 선전하고 12.12를 전두환의 마구잡이 쿠데타라고 선전해 왔다.


하지만 아래의 짧은 요약 글만 보아도 전두환은 위대한 영웅이다. 많은 사람들이 내가 쓴 수사기록으로 본 12.125.18” -하를 읽고 현대사 책들 중 이 이상의 책은 없다는 말들을 한다. 나는 이 책을 쓸 때까지만 해도 전두환을 미워했었다. 1980, 내가 중앙정보부 지휘부에 있었으면서도 전두환을 미워했다. 박정희와 비교해서였다. 하지만 수사기록들을 놓고 객관성만을 추구하다 보니 완성된 책은 내가 알고 있었던 생각과 정반대로 나타났다. 상권에는 전두환이 영웅으로 솟아 있고, 하권에는 검사와 판사들이 잡놈들로 거꾸러져 있다.



19791026, 오후 4, 삽교천 방조제 준공식을 마치고 헬기로 돌아오는 도중 차지철은 김재규에게 전화를 걸어 궁정동 안가에서 각하 저녁식사를 준비하라 연락했고, 이때 김재규는 평소 마음먹었던 혁명을 하기 위해 정승화를 궁정동에 불러 대기케 했다. 자기는 각하를 시해할 권총을 준비하고 두 대령들에게는 권총소리가 나면 경호원들을 사살하라고 지시한다.


차지철에 반감을 가지고 있던 비서실장 김계원은 이 계획에 고개를 끄덕여 주었다. 만찬시간 1시간 40분 만에 김재규는 차지철과 각하를 살해했다. 김계원은 각하의 시신을 국군병원에 옮겨놓고 군의관으로부터 각하가 확실하게 사망했음을 확인한 후 청와대로 들어가 비상소집을 한다. 840, 최규하 총리는 김계원으로부터 은밀히 김재규가 차지철과 각하를 살해했다는 정보를 듣고도 각료들에게 일체 알리지 않고 김재규가 원하는 대로 비상국무회의를 국방부에 가서 열고 익일 아침 4시에 비상계엄을 선포할 것과 정승화를 계엄사령관으로 할 것을 결정하고 회의장 밖에 있는 김재규에게 이 사실을 귀띔까지 해주었다. 총리가 이러했으니 다른 국무위원들이야 오죽 눈치를 보았겠는가? 그 많은 국무위원들 가운데 범인이 누구냐를 따지는 사람이 없었고 모두가 쥐죽은 듯 눈치들만 보았다. 위기에서 국가를 생각하여 나서는 자가 일체 없었던 것이다.


한편 김재규는 시해 후에 피범벅이 돼 가지고 정승화에게 맨발과 와이셔츠 바람으로 달려와 그를 김재규 차에 태우고 육군 B-2 벙커로 갔고, 가는 도중 정승화는 김재규의 말과 표정으로부터 김재규가 범인이라는 것을 알아차렸다. 벙커에 도착한 정승화는 국방장관을 제치고 장관의 소관사항인 병력을 동원하는 명령을 내리고 차지철의 부하인 경호실 차장을 지휘하여 경호병력을 현장으로 가지 못하도록 동결하는 명령을 내렸고, 현장 접근을 확실히 저지하기 위해 역시 차지철의 부하인 수경사령관을 지휘하여 청와대를 포위하라 지시했다. 경호실과 수경사는 오로지 차지철만 지휘할 수 있는 부대였다. 차지철이 대통령과 함께 죽었다고 생각하기 전에는 있을 수 없는 일이었다.


벙커에 온 김계원은 김재규에게 동조세력이 없다는 것을 간파한 후 노재현과 정승화가 있는 자리에서 김재규가 범행에 사용했던 권총을 내놓으면서 김재규가 범인이라는 사실을 알려준다. 약삭빠른 배신이었다. 정승화는 국방장관 노재현으로부터 김재규를 체포하라는 명을 받고서도 그를 비호했다. 하지만 전두환은 달랐다. 전두환은 김재규를 곧바로 서빙고 분실로 연행시켰고, 거기에서 김재규는 자기가 범인이고 정승화와 함께 행동했다는 것을 털어놨다.


이학봉은 즉시 체포하자 했지만 불과 두 시간 정도의 시차로 정승화는 이미 계엄사령관으로 임명돼 있었다. 계엄사령관이 된 정승화는 김재규를 비호하고 자신의 개입 사실을 축소하려 갖가지 시도를 했다. 이학봉은 여러 차례에 걸쳐 정승화의 구속을 건의했지만 전두환은 126일에야 구속을 결심했고 D일을 12.12로 결정했다. 판결문에는 전두환이 동경사로 발령 날 것을 눈치 채고 정승화 체포를 결심했다고 하지만 전두환에 대한 인사이야기는 129일 골프장에서 노재현과 정승화 두 사람 사이에 오갔던 말이다. 체포하라 결재한 날은 126, 인사발령 이야기는 129일이었다. 판결문이 너무 황당한 것이다




1212, 오후 630, 전두환은 수사국장 이학봉을 대동하고 국무총리 공관에서 집무하고 있던 최규하 대통령에 가서 정승화 연행에 대한 재가를 요청했다. 당시는 정승화에 대한 의혹이 사회적으로 확산돼 있었고, 이러한 것은 극비사항이기 때문에 중간의 아무도 거치지 않고, 곧바로 대통령에게 가져갔다. 전두환은 재가가 쉽게 나리라 생각하고 무조건 7시에 정승화를 체포하라는 사전각본을 짰다. 그런데 의외에도 최규하는 국방장관을 앉힌 자리에서만 재가할 것임을 고집했다.


정승화를 체포하는 일은 원체 큰일이라 전두환은 평소 군에서 여론을 이끌 수 있는 9명의 장군을 보안사 정문 맞은편에 있는 수경사 30단으로 초청하여 재가가 끝나는 대로 체포의 당위성에 대해 설명하려 했고, 다른 한편으로는 정승화와 가까운 장태완, 정병주(특전사령관), 김진기(헌병감)에게도 따로 설명해줄 요량으로 신촌만찬을 준비했다.


한편 허삼수 대령과 우경윤 대령은 4명의 보안사 서빙고 수사관들을 태우고 705분에 정승화총장 공관으로 갔다. 서빙고로 가자는 대령들의 권고를 받은 정승화는 순순히 응하지 않고 소리를 지르며 저항했고, 이로 인해 그의 부하들과 수사관들 사이에 총격전이 유발됐고 그의 부하들과 범수대 우경윤 대령이 하반신이 불구가 되는 중상을 입었다. 그 자신이 한 때 보안사 사령관을 했으면 저항해야 피해만 발생한다는 사실 정도는 알고 있었을 터인데도 불필요한 저항을 하다가 여러 부하들을 다치게 한 것이다. 결국 박 수사관이 응접실의 유리창을 깨고 들어가 M-16소총으로 위협하고서야 순순히 체포에 응했다.


한편 국방장관 노재현은 대통령이 빨리 오라는 호출명령을 받고도 이리 저리 피해 다녔고, 피해 다니는 동안 군에는 지휘공백이 발생하여 정승화 군벌과 30단에 대기 중이던 군벌 사이에 불필요한 긴장이 유발됐다. 긴장이 일자 불길한 생각이 든 5명의 장군은 밤 9시 반에 대통령에 가서 정중히 인사를 하고 사태의 심각성을 설명하면서 재가를 빨리 해달라고 간청했지만 대통령은 장관 오면 해줄게하고 담소들을 나누었다.


3군사령관 이건영, 특전사령관 정병주, 수경사령관 장태완, 총장 권한 대행인 윤성민 참모차장 등 수도권 실세들이 나서서 30단에 모인 장군들을 무조건 반란군이라 규정하면서 병력을 동원하고, 30단과 청와대 지역을 전차포와 야포로 융단공격하려 하고, 상대방 장교들을 체포 구금함은 물론 장교들의 이름을 지정하여 사살명령까지 내리고, 대통령을 납치하여 정승화를 구하고, 무장헬기로 정승화를 구출하자는 막다른 단계에까지 이르다가 전두환에 의해 진압되고 체포되기에 이른다.


이리저리 숨어만 다니면서 대통령의 호출에 불응한 노재현은 새벽 1, 1공수여단과 국방부 옥상에 배치됐던 수경사 병력 사이에 발생한 총소리에 겁을 먹고 부관과 함께 국방부 건물 지하 1층 어두운 계단에 숨어 있었다. 대통령과 함께 하루 밤을 새운 신현확 총리는 참다못해 자기가 나서서 노재현을 찾아오겠다며 국방부로 향했고, 이에 공수대원들이 국방부 건물을 샅샅이 뒤지다가 새벽 350분에 계단 밑에 숨은 장관을 발견한다. 총구를 겨눴던 병사들은 나 장관이다하는 말에 경례를 한 후 장관실로 모셔온다. 신현확은 노재현 장관과 이희성 중정부장 서리, 김용휴 국방차관을 태우고 총리공관으로 갔다. 노재현은 보안사에 들려 재가문서에 스스로 결재를 한 후 대통령에 가서 꾸중을 듣고 재가를 받았다. 430분에서 0510분 사이였다. 최규하는 서명란에 05:10분이라 쓰고 서명을 했다.

사실이 이러함에도 1996-97년에 진행된 역사바로세우기 재판에서는 전두환이 죄 없는 정승화를 체포하고 정식 지휘계통에 있던 윤성민-장태완이 정승화를 풀어주라는 명령을 내렸는데도 이에 불복하면서 5명의 장군을 보내 대통령을 협박하고, 공관 주변을 경계하는 병사들에 의해 대통령에 겁을 주면서 새벽 5시에 재가를 강요했고, 무단으로 병력을 동원했기 때문에 군사반란이라고 판결했다. 하지만 1996.7.1. 18회 재판정에 나온 신현확 전 총리는 장군들은 예의바르게 인사를 했고 정중하게 건의를 한 후 돌아갔으며, 대통령과 하루 밤을 새우는 동안 공관 경비병을 의식한 적은 전혀 없다고 증언했다. 1심 김경일-2심 권성-3심 윤관에 이르는 판사들이 모두 저급한 빨갱이들이었다. 12.12가 없었다면 시국은 정승화-김재규가 주도한 쿠데타 세상으로 연결됐을 것이다.


                     결 론


여기까지를 읽고도, 더 나아가 “12.125.18 압축본을 읽고서도 전두환을 10.26의 영웅이요 12.12의 영웅이라 아니 할 사람 없을 것이다. 최규하, 고건 등을 위시하여 눈치만 보던 당시 인간들과 비교해 보라. 여기에 찬동한다면 빨갱이 없는 세상을 만들기 위해 영웅 전두환이라는 스티커를 만들어 널리 선전해야 할 것이다. 그리고 영웅 전두환을 광주로 구인해 가려 하는 날 연희동에서는 분노의 황산벌 결전이 발생할 것이다. 우익들은 작은 소리들만 산발적으로 낼 줄 알았지 싸우는 방법을 모른다. 내 이 말에도 얼마나 공감들을 할지? 한 숨은 좌를 보고 나오 것만이 아니라 우를 봐도 나온다. 전두환을 영웅으로 선전하는 것은 빨갱이들의 급소를 찌르는 것이다. 제발 이 전략을 이해하고 이행해 주기 바란다. 사기극으로 가득 찬 5.18을 성역화하기 위해 빨갱이들은 전두환과 지만원을 죽이려 하고 있다. 전두환과 지만원은 김대중 이상으로 영웅이 돼야 한다. 전두환의 회고록과 지만원의 '뚝섬 무지개'는 오로지 진실만을 담았다. 하지만 김대중에 관한 모든 것들은 숨 쉬는 것 말고 모두가 다 거짓말 아니던가? 이승만 대통령과 박정희 대통령은 좌우 대결의 주인공들이고, 전두환과 지만원은 5.18 즉 빨갱이들의 숨통을 조이는 주인공들이다. 시간이 급한 전쟁의 주인공들인 것이다.  


Let’s Scatter Stickers of “Jon Doo-Hwan Is A Hero!”


All the nation full of passion of patriotism,-- I hope you all to ask yourselves at this moment as to what would be the basic measure we can take to save the country. You may say that what we all want at this moment is to beat Moon Jae-In to capture and to beat the Joosapa to capture who are more disgusting than vampires. But just try to think what is everyone of us concentrating our interest on? “Let’s fight to take out Park Keun-Hye”? But by what means can we take her out unless we topple down Joosapa regime of the Reds? “Set Park Keun-Hye free~~”? To whom are you ordering? Don’t you have to destroy Moon Jae-In first before you can take Park Keun-Hye out? Do you have any other means except this? Do you want another Park Jong-Hee to come out? Because of this hopeless people, I come to lose my strength.


To liquidiate the Reds from the roots, we must protect Jon Doo-Hwan and Jee Man-Won whom the Reds are making their 1st main enemy. Those words that Jon Doo-Hwan is a merciless slaughter and Jee Man-Won is a horned extreme rightist weirdo, -- we have to let it known widely that all these are the result of their malicious propaganda. The fact that Jon Doo-Hwan was a great hero,-- it was well shown on the history of 10.26.(The October 26th incident) and 12.12.(the December 12th incident). The Reds have been advertising that the October 26th was democracy’s victory and the December 12th was Jon Doo-Hwan’s reckless coup d’état.


But if you read some brief lines of summary below, you will find Jon Doo-Hwan a great hero. Many people, who read my book “The December 12th and may 18th seen through investigation recordings, volume 1 and 2”, are saying that “there is no book greater than this book on modern history”. By the time I wrote this book, I disliked Jon Doo-Hwan. In 1980 when I was even a member of commanding group in Korean CIA, I still disliked him, that’s because I compared him with Park Jong-Hee. But I was persuing only objectivities based on investigation documents, and I came to find out that the book I completed turned out to be just the opposite to what I had been thinking. In volume 1, Jon Doo-Hwan rised high as a hero, and in volume 2, the prosecutors and judges concerned were fallen down as dissolute wretches.


The October 26th Incident


At 4 O’clock on October 26, 1979, in a helicopter on the way back from the completion ceremony of SapKyo-river sea dike, Cha JeeChol(Chief of Presidential Security Service) called Kim Jae-Kyu(Head of Korean CIA) on the phone and asked him to prepare for dinner for President at a safety house in KoongJong-dong. And this time, Kim Jae-Kyu wanted to take this opportunity to start the revolution that he had in mind in ordinary days. He called Jong Seong-Hwa(Chief of Army staff) to stay alert in koongJong-dong. Then he prepared for the pistol to shoot the President, and ordered the two colonels of his men to shoot to kill the presidential guards upon hearing the pistol firing sound.


Presidential secretary Kim Kye-Won, who harbored ill feeling toward Cha Jee-Chul, nodded his head to this scheme Kim Jae-Kyu completed murdering President and Cha Jee-Chol in one hour and forty minutes from the start of the dinner. Kim Kye-Won moved President’s body to National Army Hospital, got confirmation from the medical officer that President was dead for certain, got back to ChongWa-dae(Blue House) and ordered an emergency summons of Cabinet members. At 08:40, though Prime Minister Choi Kyu- Ha heard the information covertly from Kim Kyu-Won that Kim Jae-Kyu murdered President and Cha Jee Chol, he did not let it known to any of the Cabinet members, went to the Defense Ministry to hold emergency Cabinet council as Kim Jae-Kyu wanted, made a decision to declare emergency martial law at 4 O’clock next morning, and to appoint Jong Seong-Hwa as commander of Martial law army, and gave a hint to Kim Jae-Kyu all of it who was waiting out of the conference room. Even the Prime Minister was conducting himself like this, then how much eager the other Cabinet members were trying to grasp the situation and see how the wind blows. Among the so much council members, no one was questioning closely who the murderer was, but everyone was in complete silence trying to see how the wind blows. There was not a single member at all who would like to stand up in a crisis of the country.


Back at the scene, after committing the murder, Kin Jae-Kyu ran to Jong Seong-Haw barefoot in his shirt all over blood. Jong drove with Kim to B-2 bunker in the Army headquarters, and on the way, Jong noticed that Kim Jae-Kyu was the murderer from his words and facial expression. After arriving at the bunker, Jong Seong-Hwa gave an order to mobilize troops, which was within the jurisdiction of the Minister, disregarding Defense Minister, and commanded the deputy chief of Presidential Security Service, a subordinate to Cha Jee-Chol, to freeze the presidential guards and not to send them to the scene. And in an affort to obstruct any access to the crime scene, he gave an order to the Commander of Capital Defense Division to surround ChongWa-dae (Blue House), who was also a subordinate to Cha Jee-Chol. The Presidential Security Service and Capital Defense Division were under the command of only one commander of Cha Jee-Chol. NO one could order them anything before he believed that Cha Jee-Chol died with President.


After arriving at the bunker, Kim Kye-Won saw through that Kim Jae-Kyu had no sympasizers power, and he informed to Defense Minister Noh Jae-Hyon and Jong Seong-Hwa that Kim Jae-Kyu was the murderer, laying down the pistol that Kim Jae-Kyu used at the criminal scene. It was a cunning betrayal. Jong Seong-Hwa protected Kim Jae-Kyu even though he was ordered by Noh Jae-Hyon to arrest him. But Jon Doo-Hwan was different. Jon Doo-Hwan took prompt action to take Kim Jae-Kyu immediately to the detached office in SuhBingo for investigation, and there Kim Jae-Kyu confessed that he was the criminal and he acted together with Jong Seong-Hwa.


Though Lee Hak-Bong asked to arrest Jong right away, but the situation was that Jong was already appointed to Commander of Martial law army. This newly appointed to Commander of Martial law army Jong Seong-Hwa attempted a lot to protect Kim Jae-Kyu and to reduce his intervention in the murder incident. Though Lee Hak-Bong proposed many times to arrest Jong Seong-Hwa, Jon Doo-Hwan made up his mind to arrest Jong as late as on December 6th, and decided the D-day on December 12th. Though judicial judgement said that Jon Doo-Hwan made up his mind to arrest Jong after he sensed that he was to be transferred to Eastcoast Decense Division, but the talks on Jon Doo-Hwan‘s transference was what Noh Jae-Hyon and Jong Seong-Hwa had in between on golf field on December 9th. While the date Jon signed on the arrest warrant was December 6th, the talks on personnel transference was made on December 9th. The judicial judgement was a sheer absurdity.


The December 12th Incident


At 6:30 PM on December 12, Jon Doo-Hwan went to the official residence of Prime Minister to see the acting President Chol Kyu-Ha taking his man of Lee Hak-Bong along, and requested Choi to grant an approval to take Jong Seong-Hwa into custody. At that time, not a little suspicions were spreading in society and because it was of a top secret, he took it direct to the President without passing through anyone. Jon Doo-Hwan thought simply that he could get approval with ease, and fixed a plan to arrest Jong Seong-Hwa at 7 O‘clock P.M. But President Choi insisted unexpectedly that he would issue approval only when Defense Minister comes and stands beside him.


As the operation to arrest Jong was so grave matter, Jon Doo-Hwan invited nine Generals, who were thought to be opinion leaders in the Army, to 30th Brigade of Capital Defense Division just across the main gate of Defense Security Command, hoping to explain them about the legitimacy of the arrest as soon as the approval being given. And in the other way, he prepared for Shinchon dinner to give separate explanation to Jang Byong-Wan (Commander of Capital Defense Division), Jong Byong-Joo (Commander of Special Warfare Command) and Kim Jin-Ki (provost marshal), who were intimate with Jong Seong-Hwa.


On the other hand, colonel Huh Sam-Soo and Woo Kyong-Yoon arrived at the official residence of Chief of Army Staff Jong Seong-Hwa at 7:05 PM together with four investigators from Suhbing-go detached office of Defense Security Command. When Jong Seong-Hwa was asked to come to Suhbing-go detached office for investigation, he wouldn’t obey the order meekly but made resistance shouting out, which caused gunfighting between his men and the investigators, and it resulted in the misery that his men and colonel Woo Kyong-Yoon of Joint Investigation Team were seriously wounded to het lower part of their body disabled. As Jong once was a commander of the National Security Command, he was supposed to surely know that making resistance would only incur injuries, but Jong made many subordinators injured by making unnecessary resistance. At last, after an investigator named Park broke the window to get in and threatened them with M16 rifle, Jong obeyed to be arrested.


In other scene, Defense Minister Noh Jae-Hyun went here and there for safety though he got a phone call to present to the President soonest possible, and during this time of escape a vacumn of commandship occurred, which incurred unnecessary tension between Jong Seong-Hwa’s commanding group and the other group of Generals who were staying alert in 30th Brigade. With the tensions getting worse, five Generals, in ominous feeling, visited the President, paid polite solutation, and made an earnest request to grant an approval explaining the grave situation at stake, but the president repeated same reply of, “I will do it when the minister comes here beside me”, and kept on friendly talking with Prime Minister there.


Major military strongmen of capital region such as the 3rd Army Commander Lee Kun-Yong, Special Warfare Commander Jong Byong-Joo, Commander of Capital Defense Division Jang Tae-Was and deputy chief of Army Staff Yoon Sung-Min came out to define that the Generals who got together in 30th Brigade were all doubtless rebellions, and reached final stage to carry out the scheme to mobilize troops, to have tanks and artillery attack 30th brigade and ChongWa-dae(Blue House) by carpet shelling, to take the officers in other side into custody, to give order to shoot to kill some officers as preciously designated, to kidnap the President to get an order to release Jong Seong-Hwa and carry out the operation to rescue Jong by armed helicopter. But they were all suppressed by Jon Doo-Hwan and got arrested in the end.


While Defense Minister Noh Jae-Hyun was going around here and there hiding and not responding to President’s call, he got scared by the sound of firing which broke out at one O’clock at midnight between the troops of 1st Airborne Brigade and Capital Defense Division who were deployed on the roof of Defense Ministry building, so he was hiding with his adjutant under the stairway in the underground floor of the Defense Ministry Building. After having to stay up all night with President, Prime Minister Shin Hyun-Hwak left for Defense Ministry saying he couldn’t take it anymore so he would find Noh Jae-Hyun to take him back. The airborne troops searched every corner of the Defense Ministry building, and at 03:50AM, they came to find the Minister hiding under the stairway. When the troops, who were aiming rifles, heard the Minister’s voice of “I am the Minister”, they gave a salute to him, and take him to Minister’s office politely. Shin Hyun-Hwak went to official residence of Prime Minister taking the Minister Noh Jae-Hyun, Deputy Head of Korean CIA Lee Hee-Sung and Vice Minister of Defence Ministry Kim Yong Hue in his car. Noh Jae-Hyun dropped in Defense Security Command and signed on the approval request, and then presented himself to President and obtained presidential approval on it. It was between 04:30 and 05:10AM. President Choi Kyu-Ha wrote down the time 05:10 beside his signature.


Though the fact were like this, but in the judicial trial of ‘raising history upright’ held in 1996-1997, the judges made the judgement that what Jon Doo-Hwan had done was a military rebellion because Jon Doo-Hwan arrested Jong seong-Hwa who was not guilty, sent five Generals to President to threaten him, not responding to the order to release Jong Seong-Hwa given by Yoon Sung-Min and Jang Tae-Wan who were in official chain of command, forced President to give an approval at 5 O’clock in early morning by making the guards, who were watching the perimeter of the official residence, frighten the President, and mobilized troops without getting due approval. Former Prime Minister Shin Hyun-Hwak, however, attended the 18th trial on July 1st, 1996 and testified that the Generals gave solute to President with courtesy, went back right away after making a polite proposal, and he and the President were not forced to be conscious of any threat from the guards of the official residence during the all night when he had to stay up there. All the judges from the 1st court Kim Kyong-Il, through 2nd court Kwon Sung and to the 3rd court Yoon Kwan were lower-class Reds. If it had not been for the December 12th, the turbulent times would have possibly linked to a world of Coup t’état in which Jong Seong-Hwa and Kim Jae-Kyu took the lead.




If you read up here, or more hopefully if you finished reading “the condensed book of December 12th and May 18th ”, there will be no one who would not say that Jon Doo-Hwan was a hero of the October 26th, and also a hero of the December 12th. Please compare him with the human wretches at that time such as Choi Kyu-Ha and Koh-Gun who were only trying to see how the wind blows. If you agree to it, we all have to make stickers of “Jon Doo-Hwan Is A Hero” and advertise it as wide as possible in order to make a world devoid of the Reds. And on the Day when the Reds are going to take Jon Doo-Hwan into custody, a final fighting of wrath of HwangSan-field battle will take place in YonHee-dong(place of Jon Doo-Hwan’s house). The rightists are used to raising only sporadic voices but don’t know how to fight. I wonder how may of them would sympathize with me. I can not help making a sigh when I look around not only left side but also right side. Please understand that propagandizing Jon Doo-Hwan as a hero is just striking the fatal spot of the Reds, Please try to appreciate this strategy and put it into practice. The Reds are plotting to ruin Jon Doo-Hwan and Jee Man-Won now in order to make the May 18th, which is full of wicked fraud and cheaters, a sanctuary. Jon Doo-Hwan and Jee Man-Won should be made to heros greater than Kim Dae-Joong. Jon Doo-Hwan’s memoirs and Jee Man-Won’s ‘The Rainbow on Dike Island’ contain only facts and truth. However, isn’t everything about Kim Dae-Joong all lies except the sound of breathing? The late two President Lee Seong-Man and Park Jong-Hee were heros in the confrontation between left and tight, and Jon Doo-Hwan and Jee Man-Won are heros who are choking the throat of the May 18th tribes-the Reds. The are heros in this time in a war racing against time. 

2018.12.6. 지만원



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