광주판사 김성흠: “전두환-CIA 모르는 5.18, 니가 뭘알아” > 최근글

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광주판사 김성흠: “전두환-CIA 모르는 5.18, 니가 뭘알아”

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작성자 지만원 작성일18-12-13 20:58 조회2,902회 댓글0건
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    광주판사김성흠: “전두환-CIA 모르는 5.18, 니가 뭘알아


   광주판사 김성흠은 9,500만원 손해배상을 때리면서 이렇게 판시했다.


북한군 개입에 대해서는 전두환도 신동아와의 인터뷰에서 모르는 일이라 했고, 1980.5.7.자 미CIA 1쪽 짜리 보고서에서도 5.18에 북한군 개입 예단 한 적 없는데 지만원, 네가 뭘 안다고 그래, 북한군 개입 주장은 5.18의 명예를 훼손하기 위해 작정하고 한 악의적 거짓말이야. 너는 오월단체들의 명예를 심각하게 훼손했다


       항소이유서에서 내가 반박한 내용


나는 2002.부터 2014.10.까지 18만 쪽의 수사기록-재판기록-북한기록-통일부기록 등을 연구하여 제8권 째로 역사책 “5.18분석최종보고서”(이하 최종보고서)를 냈다. 나는 이 책을 재판부에 제출했다. 폼으로 제출한 것이 아니다. 그 책의 표지를 봐라. 5.18은 확실하게 북한특수군 600명이 저질렀고, 5.18을 지휘한 사람, 시위대를 조직한 사람 한국에는 없다 이렇게 써 있다. 나는 이 책을 근거로 하여“5.18은 북한이 일으킨 게릴라전이었다고 발표했다. 사법부가 내 이 발언에 대한 허위 여부를 판단하려면 그 근거가 되는 최종보고서내용에 대해 판단을 해야지, 전두환이 모른다고 했다, CIA1980.5.7.까지 전혀 눈치 채지 못했다, 정홍원도 아니라 했다, 이런 카더라 통신으로 최종보고서내용을 부정할 수 있는 것이냐? 전두환이 나처럼 18년 연구를 했느냐, 정홍원이 했느냐, CIA가 했느냐? 미해군대학원에서 9개의 수학 발명품을 만들어 낸 전설의 인물이 18년 연구한 것을 놓고 전두환도 몰랐다 했다, CIA도 사전에 눈치 못 챘다, 정홍원도 아니라 했다이런 것을 잣대로 하여 판단하는 것이 광주의 재판법이냐? 제판부는 이 책 내용이 의도적인 허위사실로 쓰였느냐, 아니면 진솔하게 쓰였느냐에 대해 그 범죄성을 판단하는 것이지 역사책 내용이 옳다 그르다, 질이 좋다 나쁘다 판단할 수는 없다. 판사가 역사책의 질을 평가하여 재판의 잣대로 삼는 것은 학문분야에 대한 침범이다.


Gwangju Court Judge Kim Sung-Hum: “Even Jon Doo-Hwan and American CIA Didn‘t Know About the May 18th, Then What the Dickens Do You Know About?


Gwangju Judge Kim Sung-Hum Made Decision As Below Attacking Me to Pay 95 Million Won of Compensation.


As to North Korean troops‘ intervention, Jon Doo-Hwan said in his interview with ShinDong-A that he didn’t know anything about it, and American CIA had never predicted any sign of North Korean troops‘ intervention in its one page report made on May 7th, 1980. And then, you Jee Man-Won, what the dickens do you know about to fuss about? I know that your contention of North Korean troops’ intervention is a vicious lie which you purposely fabricated to disgrace the honor of the May 18th. You have severely disgraced the honor of the May 18th organizations.


The Contents of My Refutation in Petition of Appeal


From the year 2002 through October 2014, I did research on 180 thousand pages of investigation documents, records of trials, documents on North Korea and the Ministry of Unification, etc., and issued my 8th book on the history of “Final Analysis Report on the May 18th”. I presented this book to the judge. I didn‘t present it to show off. Please read the cover. It reads that, “The May 18th was definitely perpetrated by 600 North Korean troops, and there was not a single man in South Korea who commanded the May 18th or organized the demonstrators”. Based on this book, I made an announcement that “the May 18th was a guerilla war provoked by North Korea. If the Court is to make judgement on whether my announcement is true or false, it should make judgement on the contents of the book ”Final Analysis Report“ which constitutes the ground of it. But far from doing it, how can they deny the contents of the ”Final Analysis Report“ by referring to the groundless rumors such as ”Jon Doo-Hwan said he didn’t know“, ”American CIA didn‘t sensed anything by May 17th, 1980“ and ”Former Prime Minister Jong Hong-Won denied North Korean invasion“? Has Jon Doo-Hwan made research on it for 18 years as I did? Or has Jong Hong-Won or American CIA done it? Is it Gwangju Court’s law of conducting the trial by referring to such hearsays as ”Jon Doo-Hwan said he didn’t know it“, ”American CIA had not detected any sign of it“ and ”Jong Hong-Won also denied it“, and utilize it as a barometer to make judgement on the conclusion which a legendary figure made after 18 years of research who created nine mathematical inventions in the Postgraduate School of US Naval Academy? The court is supposed to make decision on whether there happened actual crime or not by making judgement on whether the book was written with intentional fakes or written to the truth, but has no right to judge on whether the contents of the history book is right or wrong, or whether it is of high quality or of low. If any judge make evaluation on the quality of history book and utilize it as a barometer to make decision, then that is an invasion to the realm of learning.

2018.12.13. 지만원



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