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작성자 솔향기 작성일17-06-21 06:48 조회1,948회 댓글0건


문재인 CBS This Morning 인터뷰 (노라 오도넬 기자와 단독 인터뷰)

핵심 내용

1. 김정은과 대화 필요.

2. 대학생 웜비어 사망

-  CBS 인터뷰  클릭-

http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/south-korean-president-moon-jae-in-on- -korea-otto-warmbiers-death-trump-meeting  

South Korea's president is speaking out about the death of American student Otto Warmbier. Moon Jae-in is also calling for direct talks with the North Korean regime. "CBS This Morning" co-host Norah O'Donnell spoke with President Moon at his residence for his first one-on-one interview since being elected.


Top 5 takeaways from S. Korean president's interview with Norah O'Donnell

( 5가지  핵심 요점)

Last Updated Jun 20, 2017 12:54 PM EDT

North Korea will be at the top of the agenda next week when President Trump welcomes new South Korean President Moon Jae-in for a White House summit.  ( 이번 29일 백악관 정상 회담에서 북한 문제가 핵심 아젠다일 것)

In his first one-on-one interview since being elected, President Moon spoke to "CBS This Morning" co-host Norah O'Donnell and promised historic change. 

(CBS 디스 모닝쇼에 한국의 문재인 정권 출범 후 첫 번째 외신 단독 기자회견 입니다)


"CBS This Morning" co-host Norah O'Donnell and South Korean President Moon Jae-in

CBS News

Here are the top takeaways from the interview: (5가지 핵심 요점입니다)

1. Moon Jae-in says Kim Jong Un is "not a rational person," but he wants "dialogue" with Kim. (문재인 한국 대통령은 김정은이 이성적이라고 생각하지 않지만, 북 김정은과 대화를 원한다)

"President Trump has called Kim Jong Un a madman with nuclear weapons. Do you believe that he is a madman? And why do you wanna talk to a madman?" O'Donnell asked.

"Yes, I have already mentioned that I believe that Kim Jong Un is not a rational person. But I would like to also note that President Trump once even mentioned that he is willing to talk with Kim Jong Un over a burger. And he has another point, he mentioned that it would be an honor to be able to meet Kim Jong Un. So I believe President Trump went much further than I did."

"So I believe what Kim Jong Un would want the most is to have a security guarantee for his regime," Moon added. "So in the case if we can establish a peace regime on the Korean peninsula and if the relationship between the United States and North Korea can be normalized, then I believe that Kim Jong Un would not evade to coming out on such a path. So there is a possibility that Kim Jong Un continues to make the bluff with his nuclear weapons programs. But deep inside he is actually yearning or wanting dialogue. But in the end the only way to find out is to have a dialogue with North Korea."

2. Moon Jae-in believes former President Barack Obama's policy of "strategic patience" was a failure. ( 문재인은 오바마 대통령의 대북 정책인 " 전략적 인내"는 실패했다고 본다)

"I know you believe that the strategy of President Obama, which was strategic patience with North Korea, was a failure, yes?" O'Donnell asked.

"Yes, I believe in in the end, you cannot deny the fact that strategic patience has failed," Moon said. "And on the same note, I believe that we have no choice but to that we cannot deny the fact that the policies of the Lee Myung-bak administration and the Park Geun-hye administration had failed as well."

3. President Moon praises U.S. President Donald Trump and believes Mr. Trump's greatest diplomatic achievement will be what happens on the Korean Peninsula.( 문재인은 트럼프 대통령을 높이 찬양하고 트럼프 대통령이 한반도에서 위대한 외교적 업적을 달성하시리라 믿는다)

"I had the opportunity to have a telephone conversation with President Trump, and through that call I believe that I have been able to sufficiently build up a relationship of trust and friendship. And during the upcoming summit meeting, I would like to place an emphasis on further strengthening the friendship and trust with President Trump through frank and open discussions," Moon said. "The two of us will be both in office and working together for the next five years. And the two of us also share the common goals of resolving the North Korean nuclear issue, establishing a peace regime on the Korean peninsula, and building peace and security in Northeast Asia. So, if the two of us could pull together and accomplish these common goals, then I believe that this will be the most fruitful achievements that we can achieve during our terms in office. And I also believe that this will be the greatest diplomatic achievements for President Trump as well."

"You believe that his greatest diplomatic achievement will be what happens here on the Korean Peninsula?" O'Donnell asked.

"Yes, that is because President Trump has mentioned that North Korea was on the top of his priority list," Moon said. "And also because this is something that all of the former U.S. administrations could not achieve. And so, I place a – I highly commend President Trump's placing such great importance on the North Korean nuclear issue, and I also believe that thanks to President Trump's approach and attitude, there is a possibility of resolving this issue."

4. Moon Jae-in will not scale back joint military exercises with United States. ( 워싱톤을 방문 중인 외교안보 특보=문정인이 훈련축소와 미국전략 자산 규모를 줄인다는데 사실이냐?   아니다. 줄이지 않겠다.)

"One of your top advisers was just in Washington suggesting that you are considering scaling back South Korea's joint military exercises with United States. Is that true?" O'Donnell asked.

"So I have seen through media reports that my special adviser made such comments," Moon said. "Professor Moon, who is my special adviser, is not a permanent adviser. So my relationship with Professor Moon is rather informal. Professor Moon is an academic. And he continues to freely – be freely active as an academic. And sometimes when I need his assistance, I will ask him for his opinion on certain issues. And what he mentioned in Washington was his personal view."

"And so I believe that there can be many opinions on how we will draw North Korea out to dialogue," he added. "And regarding this I believe the professionals of both Korea and the United States have many differing views on how we will achieve this. But I believe that when it comes to the detailed strategy and tactics on how we will achieve this, this will be – have to be discussed and agreed upon during the summit meeting with President Trump. And I believe that we will need a very strong, close collaboration between Korea and the United States for this – for us to be able to achieve this with any effect."

5. Moon Jae-in hopes dialogue with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will lead to a freeze of the country's nuclear and missile programs. ( 문재인 대통령은 북한 지도자 김정은과 대화하기를 희망합니다. 김정은과 먼저 대화로 핵과 미사일 해결하기 위해)

"Dialogue in itself is not the end. And I believe that we do not need dialogue for the sake of dialogue. And I have never mentioned a dialogue with no preconditions whatsoever. What I did say was that indicates that North Korea stops its provocations, its nuclear missile provocations, and shows enough will to freeze its nuclear and missile program, then we can begin dialogue -- yes," Moon said. "Since we last had the six-party talks and since the September 19th agreement, a lot has changed. In particular, North Korea has further advanced its nuclear and missile capabilities. Therefore that I believe that it is realistically-- today it is very difficult for to achieve the complete dismantlement of North Korea's nuclear program in one shot. Therefore, I believe that first we must we must vie for a freeze of North Korea's nuclear and missile programs. And then, as a second phase try to achieve the complete dismantlement of North Korea's nuclear program. And I believe there is also some voices supporting such a step-by-step approach even within the United States."

Watch what President Moon had to say about the recent death of American student Otto Warmbier, who was detained by North Korea in January 2016 and released last week in a coma.    


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