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작성자 지만원 작성일18-10-23 15:27 조회6,525회 댓글0건
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       문재인, 대한민국에 선전포고


대한민국이 공중납치 당했습니다. 내일이 없는 막장드라마입니다. 정권이 바뀔지도 모른다 생각한다면 이런 짓 안 합니다. 정권을 절대로 내주지 않은 상태에서 날치기 식으로 적화통일을 하려는 수작이 분명합니다. 사설유치원들을 탈취하여 이를 운영한다는 명분으로 공무원 수십만을 늘릴 것입니다. 국민의 등이 휘고, 어린아이들이 북한처럼 어려서부터 세뇌됩니다. 새로 생기는 공무원들은 프러레타리아 혁명 전사로 길러질 것입니다.


비정규직을 모두 정규직으로 바꾸고, 이들이 자식들을 끌어들여 노동귀족 자리를 세습시키고 노동세력을 확장하고 있습니다. 프로레타리아 혁명 조직을 확대하는 것입니다. 문재인은 취임하자마자 블라인드 채용을 원칙으로 정했습니다. 세습행위를 하고 있는 노조들은 블라인드 채용을 하기 때문에 내 아들 딸이 응시해도 난 모른다 둘러댑니다. 계획적인 것입니다. 재벌은 세습해도 되고 노조는 안 되느냐, 눈알을 부라립니다. 태양광 지원금 서울시 지원금을 빨갱이들이 독차지합니다. 선거자금을 미리부터 축적하는 것입니다. 미국의 반대를 모른 척 하고 날치기 통일을 시도합니다. 유럽에 가서 김정은 아들 노릇 많이 하고 왔습니다. 눈에 보이는 것이 없는 인간입니다. 문재인이 대한민국에 선전포고를 한 것입니다.


: Moon Jae-In, Declared War Upon South Korea


South Korea has been hijacked. It's a ruthless dead-end drama that has no tomorrow. If he had conceived change of his regime possible next time, he would not have gone that far doing this. He and his party look sure never to hand over their reins of political power, and are plotting to run into communized unification by surprise. They are going to take private kindergartens from the owners, and then they will increase new public servants to hundreds of thousand on the ground that they are inevitable for its operation. That will make too heavy burden to the nation. Children will get brainwashed from childhood like North Koreans. Newly employed public servants will be trained for proletariat revolutionary warrior.


They are changing all irregular employees to regular ones, allowing them to take their sons and daughters into their work place so as to transmit their labor-aristocrat position, thereby making labors' influence enlarged. It aims at expanding proletariat revolutionary organization. As soon as he took in power, Moon Jae-In set up a rule of "blind employment"principle. Labor Union members, who are doing such transmitting, are cooking up a good excuse that they were unable to know whether their sons or daughters made job application because of the principle of "blind employment" in effect. They have been doing all this in an intentional scheme. They glare angry eyes out to shout, -- "while those wealthy enterprisers are entitled to transmit to generation, but are we the Labor Union workers banned to it?" All of solar energy aid funds and Seoul City aid funds are being given to leftist Reds factions. They are storing up election campaign funds in advance. They are trying to make communized unification by surprise pretending not to have recognized objection from the US. Recently Moon Jae-In traveled Europe acting a whole lot there as Kim Jong-Un's loyal son. Now he is the man who can see nothing with his own eyes. It is that Moon has declared war upon Republic of Korea.


2018.10.23. 지만원



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