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세월호사고, 북한공작원과 간첩이 주도했다

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-03-24 21:44 조회8,397회 댓글0건
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   세월호사고, 북한공작원과 간첩이 주도했다


청주-문경 지역 간첩단, 청주유골 430구 위험하다 북에 SOS


청주에는 북괴군 유골 430구가 지하 1m 깊이에 가매장돼 있었다. 이 유골집단은 청주와 문경 새재를 본거지로 하는 간첩들에 의해 감시되고 있었다. 옛날에는 청주와는 거리가 먼 밀림지대였지만 5.18이후 34년 동안 청주시가 개발되고 유골이 매장된 흥덕지구가 파 헤쳐질 날이 그리 멀지 않아 보였다. 청주지역 간첩단은 북한에 SOS를 쳤다. “5.18공화국영웅들이 곧 드러날 것 같다일단 430구의 유골이 발견되면 그에 대한 여론이 가히 핵폭탄급일 것이라는 점은 누구나 짐작할 수 있는 일이다. 발각되기 전에 빨리 세상을 뒤집을 수 있는 공작을 해야 했다.


북한판단, 청주유골 쓰나미 막으려면 더 큰 쓰나미 미리 일으켜야


2014331, 북한은 인천에 공작원들을 태워 인천에 침투시켰다. 그날 북한은 간첩이 많은 해군 제2함대사령부에 전통을 보냈다. “인천에까지 이르는 긴 해로를 따라 또 다시 사격구역에 사격훈련을 할 예정이니 선박을 통제하라는 것이었다. 하지만 그날 북괴는 사격을 하지 않았다. 나는 그 전문을 뉴스에서 접한 순간 곧바로 시스템클럽에 오늘 북괴가 공작하려고 잠수함을 인천으로 보냈을 것이니 대비하라는 요지의 글을 올렸다.


세월호 침몰, 대량살상, 그리고 이후 일으킨 쓰나미급 굿판들은 정교하게 짜여진 공작 결과


416일 세월호사고가 발생했다. 선적상태, 항해상태, 대량학살이 발생한 경위 등을 종합해 보면 이 사고는 100% 정밀하게 기획된 공작이었다. 청주유골은 이후 27일 만인 513일 발견됐다. 많은 언론들이 보도했지만 요란한 세월호 굿판놀이에 정신 나간 국민들은 나를 포함해 그 누구도 여기에 관심을 갖지 못했다. 나 역시 2015년에야 비로소 알게 되었다.


북한과 고정간첩들이 발인 430구 청주유골 북송작전


513일 청주유골이 발견되자 북한은 갑자기 이미 신청이 마감된 아시안게임에 참가하겠다고 돌변했다. 조선중앙통신은523"조선민주주의인민공화국올림픽위원회는 아시아올림픽이사회 성원국으로서 오는 919일부터 104일까지 남조선 인천에서 진행되는 제17차 아시아경기대회에 선수단을 보내기로 결정했다"고 보도했다.


2014717, 남북한 실무접촉이 판문점에서 이루어졌고, 남한 대표는 권경상(아시안게임 조직위 사무총장), 정기영(조직위 국제본부장), 김영일(조직위 자문위원)이고, 북측 대표는 손광호, 장수명, 고정철이었다.  

2014817, 북한에서 전례 없이 김대중 사망 제5주년을 맞아 조화를 보낸다며 박지원, 임동원, 김홍일이 조화를 가지러 개성으로 가서 김양건을 만나고 왔다. 나는 이들이 청주유골 처리에 대한 모의를 했을 것으로 의심한다.


2014819, 조추첨 북한대표단이 인천에 왔다. 8명 모두가 다 광수들이다. 그리고 폐막식인 104, 황병서, 최룡해, 김양건이 그야말로 아무런 명분 없이 김정은 잔용기를 몰고 인천에 왔다가 시간이 되자 북으로 돌아갔다. 여러 달 동안 나는 김정은 전용기의 수수께끼를 풀 수 없었다. 아무리 명분을 찾으려 해도 찾을 수 없었다. 바로 그 전용기에 430구가 실린 1개의 컨테이너박스가 실려갔을 것이다. 청주시 체육과와 흥덕경찰은 430구의 무연고 유골이화장됐다고 거짓말을 했다. 하지만 2015.9.9. 데일리메디는 2014년 충북 전체의 무연고 화장건수는 겨우 18구였다고 밝혔다. 조달본부 역시 무연고 청주유골에 대한 입찰공고가 없었다


                                                 권 경 상

.                              성명 불상의 남한 공무원 




The Sewol Ferry Accident, Led by North Korean Maneuverers and Spies


The North Spy Group in Chongju-Moonkyong Region Sent an SOS to the North That 430 Remains in Chongju Are in Danger


In Chongju, 430 human remains of North Korean troops were temporarily buried one meter deep under the ground. This remains group had been monitored by the spies acting in Chongju and MoonKyong area as the base of their operation. Though it was a forest far from Chongju city in old days, Chongju city had been developed for 34 years since the May 18th and it looked not long before the Heung-Dok district will be torn up everywhere in which the remains are buried. The North spy group in Chongju district sent an SOS to North Korea, “The May 18th heroes of The People’s Republic is to be exposed soon”. Once the 430 remains are discovered, anybody can easily guess that public opinion about it would fairly well be exploding like an atomic bomb. So they had to do some maneuvering that could throw the world into utter confusion before it is detected.


North Korea’s Judgement, Need to Raise Bigger Other Tsunami in Advance in order to Prevent Chongju Remains Tsunami


On March 31, 2014, North Korea took maneuverers on board, and infiltrated them into Inchon. That day, North Korea sent a military message to the Navy 2nd Fleet Command where many spies were acting there that, “We advise South Korean Navy to control every ship as we are going to do firing drill again on the firing zone along the long waterway down to Inchon”. But that day, North Korea did not fired anything. The moment I saw the message from the news, I put an article on my homepage Systemclub to the gist that, “Today North Korean puppet might have sent a submarine to Inchon to do some maneuvering, so please be prepared for it”.


The Sinking of The Sewol Ferry, Massacre, and the Tsunami-class Wicked Show of Exorcism They Raised Thereafter Were the Result of Elaborately Plotted Maneuvering


The Sewol ferry accident took place on April 16, 2014. When putting various facts together such as cargo loading state, navigation condition, the particulars that caused the massacre, this accident was 100 percent the result of an elaborately plotted maneuvering. Chongju remains were discovered on May 13, 2014, exactly 27 days from the accident. Many news media reported it, but nobody of the people who grew absented-minded to the wicked play of The Sewol Ferry exorcism, including me, had any interest in it. It was not until in the year 2015 that I also became to know about it.


The Operation to Transport 430 Chongju Remains to the North, Staged by North Korea and Resident Spies


When the Chongju remains were discovered on May 13, 2014, North Korea took a sudden turn insisting to take part in the Asian Games whose application for participation had already been closed. The Chosun Central Communications reported on May 23 that, “The Olympic Committee of Chosun Peoples Democratic Republic has made a decision, in the capacity of a board member of Asian Olympic Committee, to send a players group to the 17th Asian Games which is to be held in Inchon, South Korea from September 17 to October 4”.


On July 17, 2014, contacts between working groups from the South and North were made, and the representatives from the South were Kwon Kyong-Sang (Secretary General of Asian Games Organization Committee), Jong Ki-Yong (Chief of International Affairs in Organization Committee) and Kim Yong-Il (Advisor to Organization Committee), and representatives from the North were Son Gwang-Ho, Jang Soo-Myong and Koh Jong-Chol.


[Reporter Park Soo-Hyon from News Tomato]


“The South and North working-level contact to discuss the matters concerning participation of North Korean players group and cheerers group in Inchon Asian Games was made at 10:15 Hours in the morning of 17 day.


The South and North ran into negotiation after meeting at ‘House of Peace’ in our area of Panmoonjom. Kwon Kyong-Sang (Secretary of General of Inchon Asian Games Organization Committee), Jong Ki-Yong (Chief of Foreign Affairs of Organization Committee) and Kim Yong-Il (Advisor to Organization Committee)came out as representatives of our side, and Son Gwang-Ho (Vice Chairman of Olympic Committee and Chief Secretary), Jang Soo-Myong and Ko Jong-Chol came out as representatives of the North.


The South and North are now at a meeting on athletic field in six years and five months since the working-level contact in February, 2008, on the South-North cheerers matter for Beijing Olympic Games.


Secretary General Kwon, Chief representative of our side, met reporters at South-North Talks Headquarters in Samchong-dong, Seoul prior to his working-class contact and said, “I will be at the meeting with calm and faithful attitude hoping the Inchon Asian Games to be held successfully.


He gave further explanation that, This working-class contact is for a meeting to discuss the practical matters on the participation of North Korean players group and cheerers group”.


In this working-class contact, the South and North are estimated to discuss the magnitude of North Korean players group and cheerers group to be participating in Inchon Asian Games to be held in the coming September, and accomodations for them.


On August 17, 2014 North Korea made unprecedented suggestion that they would like to dedicate funeral flowers to the 5th anniversary of the former President Kim Dae-Joong’s death, and for it, Park Ji-Won, Im Dong-Won and Kim Hong-Il went Gaesung to take the funeral flowers, and there they met Kim Yang-Kon of North Korea before returning home. I suspect they conspired together on the treatment of Chongju human remains.


On August 19, 2014, North Korea representatives for group drawing(lottery) came to Inchon. The eight members are all Gwangsoos. And for the closing ceremony on October 4, Hwang Byong-Soh, Choi Ryong-Hae and Kim Yang-Kon came to Inchon on Kim Jong-Un’s personal airplane without any justifiable reason indeed, and flew back to the North when the time was up. For several months since then, I was unable to solve the riddle of Kim Jong-Un’s personal airplane. I couldn’t find any justifiable reason for it for all my efforts. I think one container box, which contained the 430 human remains, might have been loaded in the very personal airplane and sent to the North. Athletic department of Chongju city and Heungdok police station told lies that the 430 remains had been cremated. But Dailymedi reported on September 9, 2015 that total cases of cremation of no relatives of entire Choongbook province in the year 2014 were only for 18 remains. Governmental Procurement Agency had also made no notice of tender for the Chongju human remains of no relatives.


2019.3.24. 지만원




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