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문재인의 내전 선포, 제2의 킬링필드 의지 드러내

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-03-25 08:44 조회6,449회 댓글0건
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    문재인의 내전 선포, 2의 킬링필드 의지 드러내


내가 대통령 되면 보수를 불살라버리겠다우익에 대한 문재인의 증오심이 하늘을 찌릅니다. “나는 신영복 선생님과 윤이상 선생님을 가장 존경한다대한민국에 대한 그의 증오심이 하늘을 찌릅니다. 2017.12.15. 세계 제1의 패권국 되려는 중국몽에 소국의 견마지성을 다하겠다, 시진핑에 충성맹세를 했습니다. 2018919일 능라도 연설에서 남쪽 대통령은 김정은 위원장님께서 기울여 주신 민족통일의 철학에 깊은 경의를 드리며 미국이 가하는 온갖 횡포로 인해 많은 어려움을 당하고 있는 가운데서도 민족의 자존심을 지켜내신 위원장님의 불굴의 용기를 이 두 눈으로 똑똑히 보았습니다 항복선언을 하였습니다. 9.19군사합의 제11항을 통해 한국군의 전력증강계획과 훈련계획에 대해 일일이 북의 허락을 득하기로 약속하였습니다. 휴전선도 내주고 31개 한강교까지 언제든 폭파하라며 내주었습니다

문재인은 킬링필드의 지혜를 얻기 위해 캄보디아에 여러 날 갔습니다, 내전을 극복해낸 캄보디아의 지혜를 나누어주시기 바란다” 315, 혼센총리에 부탁했습니다. 323, 문재인은 그를 가장 싫어한다는 대구의 칠성시장을 선택해 미리 선동원을 보냈습니다. 빨갱이들로 하여금 문재인을 연호케하여 대구에서도 문재인을 억수로 좋아한다는 뉴스들을 뽑아냈습니다. 그리고 그 이전에는 전혀 없었던 공포의 장면을 처음으로 연출했습니다. 경호원들로 하여금 무차별 대량살상용 무기인 기관단총들을 국민에 과시케 했습니다. 트럼프와 김정은으로부터 멸시당하고, 국민들로부터 살기를 느낀 문재인이 기관단총과 탱크로 우익을 몰살시키기 위해 제2의 킬링필드를 구현해 내겠다는 의지를 드러낸 셈입니다.


Moon Jae-In Declared Civil War, Revealed His Will to Go to 2nd Killing Field


“I will make a bonfire of the rightists if I become President”. -- Moon Jae-In’s hatred for rightists soars sky-high. “I have the highest regard for Sir Shin Yong-Bok and Sir Yoon Ee-Sang”. -- His hatred for South Korea soars sky-high. He pledged his loyalty to Shi Jin-Ping on December 15, 2017 by saying that he would spare no efforts of a small country for China’s Great Dream which has an insight to the world first superpower supremacy. In his Neungra-do speech on September 19, 2018, Moon Jae-In made a declaration to surrender that, “I, As President of south side, would like to pay my sincere respects to Chairman Kim Jong-Un’s Philosophy in which he made great efforts for unification of our people. And I saw with my two eyes the Chairman’s stubborn courage with which he kept defending Korean self-respect, despite that he underwent a lot of difficulties because of all kinds of oppression inflicted by American. By the Clause 1 Article 1 of the September 19th Agreement in Military Field, I promised to get permission from the North on every cases of South Korea military capability reinforcement program and exercise program. I made way through the cease-fire line, and also made way for them to come and explode the 31 Han-river bridges anytime they want.


Moon Jae-In went to Cambodia and spent many days there to learn the wisdom of Killing Field. He asked Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on March 15, “I hope you to share your Cambodian wisdom with me with which you had overcome the civil war”. On March 23, he chose to visit Chilsung (seven-star) Market in Daegu city which is known to hate him more than most, and sent instigators there in advance. He made the Reds to cheer and chant his name Moon Jae-In, and succeeded to draw the news that, “So many Daegu citizen also like Moon Jae-In a lot”. And there, he produced a scene of terror the first time which has never been around before. He made his security guards to show off submachine guns, which are to be used for indiscriminated mass killing. This is almost same to revealing the will of Moon Jae-In, who was despised by Trump and Kim Jong-Un, who felt murderous spirit from the people, that he is going to realize 2nd Killing Field in order to annihilate the rightists with submachine guns and tanks

2019.3.25. 지만원  




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