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작성자 지만원 작성일19-04-25 00:45 조회5,756회 댓글0건
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   조갑제와 여성반지


나는 요새 울보가 되었다

실시간 채팅 글에

반지를 팔아

내게 송금했다는 여성 글이 있다

나중에 다시 틀어보는 순간

눈물이 났다


반지는 김대중이 IMF 극복한다고 사기를 칠 때

많은 여성국민들이 현물로

김대중에게 내주었던 주제였는데

오늘은 그 귀한 반지를 직접 팔아

내게 성금을 보냈다 한다


그러면 그 돈은 누구에게 보낸 돈인가

결국은 광주 사기꾼들에 가는 돈이다

나는 그 귀한 마음만 받고

그 여인은 나의 눈물만 받는다

그리고 그 쓰라린 돈은 궁극적으로

광주 사기꾼들에 간다



조선 및 동아 채널 방송이

5.18은 북한군이 일으킨 거라

경쟁적으로 방송했다

5.18은 북한소행이라는 정서가

전국에 퍼졌다

신나는 계절이었다


그런데 갑자기 이를 가로 막고 나선 자가 있었다


북한군이 단 한 명이라도 왔다면 

목숨 내놓겠다 

북으로 날아가는 총알을 가로 막고 나섰다

조갑제는 왜 그랬을까

조갑제가 그 정도로 막강했는가


조갑제는 분명한 이적질을 했다

그리고 조갑제는 엄청 강했다

이 나라에 간첩의 보호를 받지 않는 고졸자가

국가여론을 장악 할 수는 없다

한번 살펴보자


20008월 김대중이 박지원 시켜

46개 언론사 사장 북에 보내

충성맹세 쓰게 했다

그리고 그 즉시

모든 언론들은 북한 정권의 수족이 됐다


김대중은 2001.1. 고교출신 조갑제를

월간조선 사장으로 등극시켰다

그로부터 조갑제는 언론들의 실질적인 황제가 되었다 

조갑제는 46개 언론사 사장들 

그 훨씬 위에 존재하는 

좌익계의 상왕이었다


나는 잘 안다

김대중이 나를 좋아할 때

모든 빨갱이 간첩들이 다 내 앞에서 고개를 조아렸다

심지어는 권노갑 한화갑 이종찬까지도

하물며 김대중이 한 언론사를 조갑제에게 주었을 때 

조갑제는 얼마나 높은 황제였겠는가

언론인행세를 하려면 조갑제를 등지면 안 되었다





오로지 변희재만 탈출했다


그는 언론계 황제만이 아니라

광주의 황제요 5.18의 황제요 위장탈북자의 황제였다

종합해 보면 그는

사실상의 간첩질을 했다

그 증거는 참으로 많다


나는 여성의 반지 사연을 읽는 순간

조갑제를 더더욱 증오했다

이 나라를 위해

하늘이 그를 데려가기를 간절히 바란다

반지를 팔은 그 여성을 향해 흘린 눈물이

조갑제를 향한 독화살이 되었다


내가 광주 것들로부터 8,200만원과

또 다른 9,500만원을 선고받은 것은

100% 조갑제 때문이다

나는 조갑제가 오늘 밤 즉시

지구를 떠나기를 바란다


성금을 내 주시는 분들이 많이 계신다

가슴이 매우 아프다 

많이 운다

하물며 반지 팔아

내게 성금 주시는

그 가슴인들

얼마나 아프겠는가


슬퍼하는 그 많은 가슴들 생각하면

그만큼 나는

조갑제를 증오한다

하늘에 바란다

조갑제를 지옥 중에서도 가장 험한 지옥인

북한지옥으로 보내 달라고


애국국민에 부탁한다

광주판사가 판결한 1억원의 손해배상금

조갑제가 물도록

조갑제를 닦달해주기 바란다


나는 30년 묵은 안양의 32평 아파트 살지만

조갑제는 방송에 자랑할 정도로 구중궁궐이더라

20년 전 큰 회의를 하고 헤어지는데

조갑제는 거침없이 모범택시 타더라

나는 10분 걸어서 전철 막차 탔다



그 정도 살면 1억원 정도는 코끼리 비스케트 아니겠는가

고졸 출신 조갑제가 언론계에서 부자 된 것은 정상이 아니다

박사출신 지만원이 고통 받는 건 순전히 조갑제 때문이다

바로 이것이 북한에 영합한 조갑제와

북한에 저항한 지만원 사이에 존재하는 

기막힌 현실인 것이다 



Cho Gap-je( a journalist) and a Woman’s ring


Recently I became a crier

In a real time online chatting

Found that a woman donated for my fine imposed by the court with the money she sold her ring

The tears started welling up when acknowledged the fact by replaying the You Tube

Gold gathering movement was a main topic during President Kim Dae-jung’s tenure in the late 1990s

That was urged by Kim Dae jung in an effort to overcome serious foreign exchange crisis

At that time countless number of countrymen were demanded to gather gold products

Today, a woman sold her gold ring

And donated the money to help my fine payment

Who will be the beneficiary of the donation?

The money will go to the Gwangju crooks

I only take her good heart

At the same time she will be reciprocated with my tears only as well

And the money raised by the warm hearted will at last go to the Gwangju swindlers


Between January and May, 2013

The TV Chosun and the Channel A did competitively air that the 5.18 was a revolt conspired and conducted by the North Korean special troops

An encouraging sentiment that North Korea had committed the 5.18 revolt was getting rapidly rampant throughout the country

Out of blue, a guy appeared and spoiled the mood

The guy was Cho Gap-je, a journalist

This man betted

He would risk his life should there had been a single North Korean soldier during the 5.18 Gwangju upright

The guy blocked every accusation towards North Korea

What in the world did he do so?

Was he powerful enough to do so?

Unequivocally Cho Gap-je committed an act benefiting the enemy

And believed that he was in enormously influential position

It was hardly believable thing that how come a high school graduate could control public opinion without being backed by espionage agents.

Let’s look into

In August, 2000 Kim Dae-jung made his secretary Park Ji-won trip to North Korea accompanying 46 mass media CEOs and had the press company representatives affirm their loyalty to the North regime.

And immediately after returning, the concerned press companies became friendly towards the North

In January, 2001, Kim Dae-jung made Cho Gap-je as the CEO of the Monthly Chosun

Since that time Cho started exercising power as a media mogul in South Korea’s media world

Cho Gap-je was a leftist figure sitting far above the 46 CEOs.

I know about him well

When I was a favorite of then President Kim Dae-jung

Every leftist bowed low in my presence

Even including Kwon Roh-gap, Han Hwa-gap and Lee Jong-chan

Much more, it is simply imaginable thing how powerful Cho Gap-je was by witnessing the fact that Kim Dae-jung gave a media corporation to Cho.

People who desire to act as a journalist in South Korea should be on good terms with Cho.

No exception for those who are Jung Kyu-jae, Kim Jin, Hwang Jang-soo and Shin Hye-sik

The only journalist excluded is Byun Hee-jae

Cho acted not only as an emperor of the journalism field but also in Gwangju, 5.18 and among the North Korean defectors

In general

He actually committed an act of espionage agent

There are plenty of evidences

When I read the woman’s ring story, I found myself burning with hatred for Cho more and more

For this country

I do hope the almighty takes him into the sky

My tears for the woman who sold her ring became a poisoned arrow to aim at Cho Gap-je

The fine respectively imposed by the court of 82million won and 95mnillion won was 100 % attributed to Cho Gap-je

Thus I want him to leave this earth right away tonight

The many are sending heartfelt donations

My heart really aches

It makes me weep a lot

Much more, how big the warm donator’s pain would be

I become to hate Cho Gap-je as much as I think of those who have warm hearts and painful feelings

I pray to the almighty to send Cho to the worst hell, North Korea

I would like to urge our fellow patriots to hold Cho Gap-je responsible for the 100million won fine imposed by the judge of the Gwangju district court

I am living in a 30-year-old apartment of 32 pyung

In the mean time, Cho Gap-je resides in a deluxe residence like a castle

20 years ago, at the end of a conference,

I saw him catching a fancy taxi to go home

While I was fortunately got into the last subway train after ten minutes walk on foot to the station

Comparing to his standard of living, the fine of 100million won would be a drop in the ocean

The process that a high school graduate, Cho Gap-je became a wealthy man in the media world is surely abnormal

The pain being severely borne by Jee Man-won, a PH.D holder is absolutely attributed to Cho Gap-je’s deed

This is the very bizarre reality existing between Cho Gap-je who has allegedly accommodated himself with North Korea and Jee Man-won who has vehemently resisted

Jee Man-won

April 24, 2019 


2019.4.24. 지만원





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최근글 목록

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게시물 검색

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