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r기록영화 "건국전쟁" 관람후기

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작성자 stallon 작성일24-02-11 22:53 조회6,538회 댓글2건


회원여러분 다음내용은 본인이 현재 절찬리에 상영중인 기록영화"건국전쟁"을 관람하고 그에대한 후기를 간단하게 Facebook에 기고한것입니다. 국내독자들은 물론 특히 해외 독자들에게 대한민국의 건국역사를 알리고자 부족하지만 영문으로 작성한것입니다. 참고로 이곳에도 올리오니 오해없으시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

My review for the film "The Birth of Korea"

A documentary film titled "The Birth of Korea" is showing with enormous acclamation throughout the country. I watched the film three days ago as well. The main content of the record film is about ROK’s founding president, Syngman Rhee. It consists of a lot of documentary scenes together with concerned narrations that explained how the founding president was struggling to establish a free and democratic country on the Korean peninsula.

As is well known to the world, the Korean peninsula had been under Japanese colonial rule for 36 years from 1919 and at last liberated on August 15, 1945 when an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and a few days later over the city of Nagasaki.

Since the liberation in 1945, despite the excitement of the liberation, the Korean peninsula was divided into two parts due to ideology difference. In the North of the 38th parallel, a communist dictatorship that suppresses freedom and oppresses human rights was coiling up, and in the South, Dr. Syngman Rhee who had been highly educated in the United States returned to Seoul and brought every possible effort to found a sovereign country based on freedom and democracy on the Korean peninsula. Nonetheless, due to North Korea's strong opposition, after all, he failed to establish a unified state. Consequently, Dr. Syngman Rhee had to establish the Republic of Korea on August 15, 1948 and became the founding president of the only legitimate government on the Korean Peninsula.

During the film projection, when the scenes where the founding President was hugging General MacArthur and other US general officers during the Korean war, I personally couldn’t help but wiped tears that were welling in eyes. Particularly the scene of the old president’s visiting to New York in 1954 where he was enthusiastically welcomed by the entire US citizens is the most touchable one. At the end of the film, I responded with my standing ovation.

I hope this documentary film will serve as an opportunity for the entire Korean citizens to re-recognize our founding president, Syngman Rhee. We Koreans should realize the fact that if it had not been for the founding president’s heroic sacrifice, we would have not been possible to enjoy the freedom, democracy and prosperity of today. For this reason, our founding president Syngman Rhee’s sacrifices and struggles should be remembered and treasured for good.

I would like to convey my deep thanks to the film director and the staff for producing the historical masterpiece.

God Bless the Republic of Korea!!



jmok님의 댓글

jmok 작성일

잘 하셨습니다. Stallon님.
대한민국의 탄생은 옳았고,
사악한 자들의 사악한 방해에도 우리는 결코 대한민국의 길로 가야 합니다

inf247661님의 댓글

inf247661 작성일

꼭 봐야겠군요. ,,. 이곳 시내에도 횡수막으로 홍보하던데,,. 빨갱이들의 선전으로, 선입감 들어 않 봤는데,,. '스탈론'님께오서 글 말미에 온 국민들이 꼭 보기를 피력하셨던데, 감동이 크셨던 모양! ,,. 새해 기쁜 일 많기를, '지'박사님과 회원님들도,,,. 아멘. 총총.

자유게시판 목록

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